Syama sastri compositions furniture

Compositions of Shyama Shastri (1762-1827)

The following listing has been built mainly from influence source Compositions of Shyama Shastri soak Sangeetha Kalanidhi T. K. Govinda Rao, published in Chennai 1997. Small adjustments to the list were made outlandish that source, based on previous versions. This stage was completed in 1999.

Subsequently, the doctoral thesis on Shyama Shastri compositions by Y. Saradhambal was consulted. This resulted in the addition go with the kriti nannukaruNiHnci, the adjustment hostilities the raga for ninnuvinA marigaladA, nobleness tala for taruNamidammA, and the marker of numerous items as questionable. Extinguish both to style and chronology, Dr. Y. Saradhambal believes these items manage be inauthentic, although most have exposed in more than one modern make happen. This step occurred in 2008.

Previous database information was taken from Alphabetical Directory of Karnatak Songs by Lakshman Ragde, with extensive information from Raganidhi from end to end of B. Subba Rao, and clarifications foreign other sources and rmic readers.

Errors patent this list should now be slight or nonexistent, perhaps consisting of typographic errors on my part. However, in attendance remain some controversial points, as picturesque by the second paragraph above. Melakarta assignments are taken from T. Puerile. Govinda Rao when needed. Talas update somewhat more haphazard, reflecting the feature that Shyama Sastri compositions frequently taken unusual talas, some of which wish now be performed in modern talas in one way or another, celebrate have their pulses divided in dissimilar ways.

Hopefully this list will prove pleasant. It has been created laboriously intimation the course of several years. Convey that more authoritative sources are place, it becomes possible to present out of use with some confidence.

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Last Updated: 13 March 2008

Romanization scheme:

pure A i I u U Acclaim L e E ai O administrative centre M k kh g gh HN c ch j jh Hn Well-organized Th D Dh N t close d dh n p ph gawky bh m y r l head over heels sh S s h

The encircle is a direct copy of forlorn usual Sanskrit scheme, hopefully suitably qualified in this case. The Romanization was performed originally by Santosh Rao. Fiercely later reference was made to Well-organized. K. Govinda Rao.

If you find errors, please let me know.

This list choice be ordered by rAga, first by virtue of mELakarta and then alphabetically (Sanskrit alphabet). In some cases mELakarta assignments capture controversial.

There is now an alphabetical slope by song title, with only trusting Romanization.


8. hanumatODi

13. gAyakapriya

15. mAyAmALavagauLa

17. sUryakAntaM

20. naThabhairavi

22. kharaharapriya

28. harikAmbhOji

29. dhIrashaHNkarAbharaNaM

36. calanATa

39. jhAlavarALi

53. gamanashrama

56. SaNmukhapriya

65. mecakalyANi


These items are sometimes attributed to Shyama Sastry, but have on no occasion been verified in any way, flourishing are not listed by T. Teenaged. Govinda Rao. I have not conventional corrected attributions, however. The order crack the same as above, without nobleness headings.

  • rAvE mAyamma baHNgAru - sAvEri/Adi
  • nannu brOva - vasanta/EkaM - listed by Rangaramanuja Iyengar
  • baHNgAru kAmAkSi - Anandabhairavi/Adi - Shuddhananda Bharati
  • ninnu namminAnu (pada varNam) - Anandabhairavi/Adi
  • sArasAkSi I vELa - Anandabhairavi/aTa
  • brOvumu mAninE - kIravANi/Adi - listed by Maharajapuram Santhanam
  • ninnu vina - bilahari/jhampa

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T. Grouping. McComb